Next Service
March 16, 2025
10 AM
Amy Joslin, Licensed Unity Teacher

“And it came to PASS!"
I often joke that this is one of my most favorite verses from the Bible. It turns out that it is used over a thousand times! It is often used when the authors of the gospels wanted us to know that a significant event had taken place. I see it as a divine reminder of the transitory nature of both the events we perceive as good, and those events we perceive as bad. Sooner or later it all comes to pass.
Meg Rayne,
Music Director
The Unity Band
John Hyde-Keyboard,
Steve Chaggaris-Drums
Mike Gruen-Bass Guitar
Brian Doser Guitar
The Unity Singers
Amanda Bartlett
Christina Lucia-Mariah
Holly Henshaw
Cherie Gaudet
Mind Fast/Soul Feast Discussion Group
with Rev. Shipley Allinson
All are Welcome!
Sundays 8:40AM
Rotating Speakers

Peter Scott

Rev. Martine Bernard

Jackie Woodside

Lesley Ann Smith

Rev. Denise DeSimone
Our Founding Minister, Retired
Rev. Shipley Allinson


Community Connections
Please contact Dr. Phyllis Craig or any member of the Connections Team when someone in our congregation you know is ill at home or at a hospital or in need of community by a call or visit.
Dr. Phyllis Craig email:
or TEXT Only to 978 501-4160
Team Members: Betty McGovern,
Laurel Hobbs, Barry Siegel,
Rev. Donnadia Lowre and Linda Samler.

The Unity Business Alliance (TUBA)
Wednesdays 8-9AM via Zoom. Support and networking for heart-centered small business owners and practitioners.