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Mail A Check to the Office Address:

300 Andover Street, Suite 222
Peabody, MA 01960


It is highly recommended by the Board of UOTR to talk to your financial advisor, attorney or CPA when making important financial decisions.

The laws regarding IRA and ROTH plan charitable distributions have recently changed. 

We can send you some documentation by request to Christian Hayes


or call: 978 834 7830


Section 307, One-time election for qualified charitable distribution to split-interest entity; increase in qualified charitable distribution limitation. Section 307 expands the IRA charitable distribution provision to allow for a one-time, $50,000 distribution to charities through charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, and charitable remainder annuity trusts, effective for distributions made in taxable years beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. Section 307 also indexes for inflation the annual IRA charitable distribution limit of $100,000, effective for distributions made in taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act.


Section 325, Roth plan distribution rules. Under current law, required minimum distributions are not required to begin prior to the death of the owner of a Roth IRA. However, pre-death distributions are required in the case of the owner of a Roth designated account in an employer retirement plan (e.g., 401(k) plan). Section 325 eliminates the pre-death distribution requir0ement for Roth accounts in employer plans, effective for taxable years beginning after December 31,2023. Section 325 does not apply to distributions which are required with respect to years beginning before January 1, 2024, but are permitted to be paid on or after such date.


This law also increased the age for Required Minimum Distributions from 72 to 73, effect January 1, 2023 and will gradually increase it to 75 by 2033.   There are also changes to the catch-up limits, among other things.

IRA Charitable Rollover

You may be looking for a way to make a big difference to help further our mission. If you are 70½ or older, an IRA charitable rollover is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year.

Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover
Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to our organization.

Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions

Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts
Help further the work and mission of our organization

How an IRA charitable rollover gift works:

1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us.
2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to our organization to help continue our important work.
3. Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction.
4. Please contact us if you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose.

About Bequests

You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support Unity.

When making a gift in your will or trust, you may use this suggested bequest language (or language instructed by your attorney):

“I, [name], of [city, state, Zip], give, devise and bequeath to Unity on the River, 300 Andover Street, Suite 222, Peabody, MA 01960, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for general purposes (or specific purposes).”


This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or Financial Advisor.

Gifts of Stocks and Bonds

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to Unity.

Anchor 1

There is always enough—money, health, time, creativity. True prosperity lies in knowing Spirit as your unfailing source of abundance. Use these resources to connect with and realize your unlimited supply.


"People ought to tithe because they belong to a community that they believe in and they want to see prosper.


"I know well the power of tithing and what it can do in someone's life. 


Unity on the River (UOTR) is the place where your spiritual being is nourished.

Many Unity members practice tithing. Tithing is any systematic plan of giving to your spiritual source.

According to Unity’s principles of prosperity, systematic and orderly giving makes room in your life for systematic and orderly receiving.

Giving according to a system means that you are consciously putting God in a central place of your financial affairs. Jesus said that if we put God first "all these things will be added unto you.”

In Unity you will never be pressured to donate. This is an individual matter, and your own understanding and demonstration of the principles of prosperity will guide you to ways of joyous and generous giving.

As we grow together in this, you will find your church is enabled to bring its teachings to more and more people in new and helpful ways. UOTR knows that you have been blessed in your giving and works and prays to know how to double that blessing by using your gifts in the wisest and best ways it can.

Giving is a way of life. It includes money-giving but is by no means limited to it. The gift of your time, skill or talent is valuable.


Understanding the spiritual principles of prosperity, not the size of the gift, makes it possible for you to receive as freely as you have given. 

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