with Amy Joslin
3 Classes Monday Evening
April 14, 21, 28 6:45 to 8:45 PM
Tuition is Free
Required for Unity Membership
CLICK HERE To Register
Our Next Service
March 30, 2025
10 AM

Rev. Denise DeSimone
Please join us this week as Rev. Denise DeSimone explores how Being in AWE and Being in HAPPY are instrumental in helping us through some of the most turbulent times we have ever known. Her insights and tools to keep faith at the top of our priority list are very personal to her. Rev. Denise will share how her very personal and deep connection to faith saved her life. Bring a friend or two to experience the fabulous Unity Community.
Meg Rayne,
Music Director
The Unity Band
John Hyde-Keyboard,
Steve Chaggaris-Drums
Mike Gruen-Bass Guitar
Brian Doser Guitar
The Unity Singers
Amanda Bartlett
Christina Lucia-Mariah
Holly Henshaw
Cherie Gaudet
Lisa Pelonzi
Scott Stringham
Mind Fast/Soul Feast Discussion Group
with Rev. Shipley Allinson
All are Welcome!
Sundays 8:40AM
Week 40 of 40
“When you align yourself with this One Life that is running the cosmos, you realize that you are never walking alone; you are moving through your life in league with the Infinite. Cosmic awareness kicks in and you move through society as an agent of the revolution of values.”
Rotating Speakers

Peter Scott

Rev. Martine Bernard

Jackie Woodside

Lesley Ann Smith

Amy Joslin
Lic. Unity Teacher
Rev. Denise DeSimone
Our Founding Minister, Retired
Rev. Shipley Allinson

Community Connections
Please contact Dr. Phyllis Craig or any member of the Connections Team when someone in our congregation you know is ill at home or at a hospital or in need of community by a call or visit.
Dr. Phyllis Craig email: nyuton51@gmail.com
or TEXT Only to 978 501-4160
Team Members: Betty McGovern,
Laurel Hobbs, Barry Siegel,
Rev. Donnadia Lowre and Linda Samler.

The Unity Business Alliance (TUBA)
Wednesdays 8-9AM via Zoom. Support and networking for heart-centered small business owners and practitioners.